Tattoo Timelapse Video – The forearm spine session

Hello Everyone! I have recently acquired a new action cam. While the latest go-pro is out of my budget, I opted for the more affordable Akaso V50 pro action cam. It’s not as advanced, however, it does suit my video recording needs. I’m testing the timelapse feature at 3x speed so, I decided to bring the cam to work. While there, I made a tattoo timelapse video! Here it is…

The Akaso V50 pro seems to be a great action camera although, the true test will be on the motorcycle. The action cam comes with a bunch of stuff including various mounts. The upcoming riding season is going to be exciting and I hope this cam can live up to the action recording task!

I hope you like this video as I will be making more to improve my LumaFusion skills. Thanks to Bensound for allowing people to use their audio in YouTube videos. I do enjoy the quality music they have there. When I create another tattoo timelapse video, it will be added to the tattoos section.

What’s up and coming for my vids?

I’m the Web Director for Indian Motorcycles Rider’s Group Calgary Chapter 1908. Having that role, I created their website. This upcoming riding season, I will be making videos of the rides and events that I attend. I’m so looking forward to the challenge!


  1. I am proud to know Chris personally, His talent level blows me away every time I see his work! I’ve seen him at work up close, and it is truly inspiring! Keep on ROCKIN IT buddy!!! GREAT WORK!!!

    • Thanks buddy! You are a fantastic artist and friend! I would recommend anyone to go see your mad airbrushing skills at

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